Category: Blog

The Power of Doubt

As a kid, one of my favorite words was “why.” This drove my mother insane, but my grandpa always encouraged it. Him doing so reinforced two main axioms of my formative youth – axioms which would develop into my own personal beliefs and creed. First, I grew up in...

Goals, Guilt, and Giving Up

Once upon a time I talked about how things like Netflix, Social Media, and the constant “noise” of podcasts, music, and streaming were interrupting my life and making it less enjoyable and more taxing. In order to push myself back to a life of true fulfillment (not just pleasure-seeking),...

Top 10 Things To Do When You’re Not Streaming

If you’re keeping up, you know that I’m turning off the TV for the next 28 days. If not, and you’re wondering why in the world would I shut myself off from Netflix when it’s dangerously cold outside, then go read my last blog post. Before I get into...

Why I’m giving up Netflix for 28 days

When I first moved into my apartment, I didn’t have a TV or internet. I had my phone with 2GB of data a month and a laptop. As far as technological entertainment went, that’s all I had. I quickly resolved the internet issue, and was able to start streaming...

Coffee, Confident Vulnerability and Genuine Niceness

Hi, I’m Christopher, and I bullet journal. Well… sort of. I have my own system for bullet journaling which replaces several daily logs with a system of weekly logs. Hey, it works for me, and that’s what’s important. But the point of this isn’t that I bullet journal, but...

Real Relationships

We, as humans, need others. I think we all know that, but I’m going to give you some examples anyway. Think of any family movie. The moral of those stories is that family is the most important thing in our lives. Think about Lilo&Stitch, Finding Nemo, RV, The Jungle...

Visit your Values

How many blogs/fanfics/youtubers/podcasters/etc. start their content with “Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted! I’ve just been caught up with <insert excuse>, but it’s so good to be back to all of you lovely <insert affectionate name>”? Is it a lot? Well whatever that number is, add 1....

Micro Speed / Macro Patience

So the other day, a friend of mine recommended an article by Gary Vaynerchuk to me. (You can check it out here.) For those of you who don’t know, Gary Vaynerchuk is basically a guru of entrepreneurship. Check out his videos, he’s a pretty energetic guy. Unfortunately, this article...

Hi! I’m new here.

The place is bare, and I’m still moving in. The first step is the necessities, then the furniture, then the clothes and toiletries and kitchen things not included in the necessities, and then the memorabilia from college, followed by the memorabilia from high school, and the list goes on....

Importance of Service

I’m graduating in three weeks. That’s fun and exciting. And terrifying. The most exciting thing about these next three weeks is the opportunity to reflect and remember some incredible things that have happened on this campus. More than that, I can look at how much I’ve changed, and boy...