Christopher Hanson: HERO in the making
So by now I’m sure you’ve all experienced your fair share of Halloween festivities. Whether you went to a dance, dressed up and hung out with friends, or just stayed at home and handed out candy, in some way or another, I’m sure you saw plenty of people dressed...
I’m Baaaaack
Hey Friends, First of all, major apologies for the duration of my abrupt and unexplained absence. Life has been extremely busy between moving, opera, classes, midterms, etc. In other words, my life has been crazy booked. Second off, an update. My family and I have successfully moved in to...
Half Full
I will not talk about stress. I will NOT talk about stress. I will relax. I will calm down. I will be fine. Deep breath in. 2. 3. 4. Deep breath out. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me...
I’m Christopher
To catch you up: My life has been crazy for the past several years. So much is changing all around me and I’m having trouble trying to make sense of it all. So, I’m taking a year to myself to try to define who I am, understand life, and...
Home Again, Home Again
Have you ever been away from home for an extended period of time? Maybe it was a summer camp, or college, or something more extravagant. Regardless of where it was or how long, do you remember the feeling you had when you got home after you’d been away? You...
Doctor’s Orders: Rest
Alright folks. It’s time. Here it is, in the flesh (well, in the pixels): the last post about being so stressed out. Now, I know what you’re all thinking “But Christopher, we love hearing you complain so much! What will we do without your whiny posts about how terrible...
Stress: Home Remedies
So, I need to be done talking about stress. I’ve been so focused on stress in these blogs that I’ve had no escape from it in reality. It’s like having a cold that just won’t go away: I just need to go to the doctor and get the medicine...
Tithing with Time
Have you ever been super duper busy for a super long time? And then one day you get an opportunity to get the things on your list done, and get a ton of stuff done? Isn’t that like the greatest feelings in the world!? Well, have you ever thought...
One of the big things I’ve been learning lately is how to be me. I’ve discovered that I have a say in who I am. So, tonight I spent some time jotting down some attributes that I want to posses. When other people look at me, I want them...
What I’m learning from Goodbyes
Sundays are always great days and today has been no exception. Today started off with me getting a ton of homework done (always nice to feel accomplished). Then, I went home for the afternoon and got to hang out with my family before they left for a show. After...