Christopher Hanson: HERO in the making

So by now I’m sure you’ve all experienced your fair share of Halloween festivities. Whether you went to a dance, dressed up and hung out with friends, or just stayed at home and handed out candy, in some way or another, I’m sure you saw plenty of people dressed up as all sorts of different things. There were monsters and princesses, Jedi and cartoon characters, and my personal favorite: superheroes. 
For those who don’t know, I’m a huge superhero nerd. Maybe not at the comic book guru level, but I do know enough to hold my weight in a conversation about something more in depth than the most recent movie. And, of course, I keep up to date on tv shows like Arrow and Flash. While I do enjoy these shows because there are superheroes and superpowers and complicated plots involved, I think that one of the big reasons that I enjoy them is in the way that they inspire me to use my powers. 
I mean, no, I don’t have superpowers in the typical sense of the word; I can’t fly, lift buildings, or turn invisible. However, I do have talents and the power to make a difference. I can choose how I use my talents, with whom I spend my time, and where I spend my money. Along with getting to choose what things I support, I also get to choose how I react to life. I get to decide whether I’m going to be a positive influence in this world or a negative one. In essence, I have the option between becoming the hero or the villain. 
In addition to that dramatic parallel between superpowers and myself, there are lots of different ways that superheroes reflect my life as a man-in-the-making and as a child of God. Superheroes have purpose, they have a team, they have their gear, and their city, and many other things that really fill me with a fresh passion for how I’m supposed to be living life! Okay, so I’m a little nerdy, but superheroes really click with me and hopefully they will with you, too even if you don’t like superheroes (though I don’t know how you wouldn’t be able to). Anyways, these similarities are the things I’m going to be exploring and writing about for the next couple of posts. I’m hoping that they’re able to give you as much insight and inspiration as they’re giving me! 
As always,
Best of luck in the real world and God Bless,